Looking for a special way to celebrate your birthday? Cinco de Mayo is the perfect day to open up a bottle and let your guest sing the birthday song for you. I won't say that the days of birthday cakes are gone, but wine definitely gives a special dimension to the birthday party. So just wait a bit, if tomorrow is your birthday party. Launch the party on Wine Day (May 25th).
If budget is not a constraint for you, strike your guests with a delightful surprise by opening red wines. Let your party floor burst with sound and let your guests waltz around and you will be happy to see them gone gaga over such fun!
Yes, I have a couple of awesome wine recipes. I learned the art of making wine from Jack. I'm already on it. I'm planning to give Rachel a surprise on her birthday on December 8th. I'll talk about how to make apple wine in my next post. I'll be right back... stay tuned!!
Check out these cool cards for birthday. Click away these thumbs and get yourself redirected to a unique birthday card page. Send these birthday cards to your loved buddies. Who knows they may also hit you back with a gorgeous Thank you card to make you feel happy.
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